Top 20 Web Design Interview Questions and Answers

Web Design | Design, Digital, Technology | Sep 28,2021 | By Nandini S

The world is changing and the need for web designers is growing. The web design industry needs more and more qualified professionals. If you are thinking about starting your career as a Web designer, then this article will help you find the top 20 Web Design Interview Questions along with answers.

1. Which are some leading languages or platforms used for website design?

ANS: The important languages used for website design are -

  • HTML – HyperText Markup Language for Base template
  • CSS – Cascading Style Sheet for Styling
  • JS – JavaScript for Functionality
  • PHP – Personal Home Page for Server-side scripting

2. What is an external style sheet? How can you link it?

ANS: It's a document that contains style information and links to several HTML files. The LINK tag under the HEAD element is usually used to link to external CSS. The CSS elements should be in files with a relevant extension, such as style.css.

3. Tell us the difference between “display: none” and “visibility: hidden”?

ANS: Both are style properties display: none: This doesn't take up any space and eliminates the element totally off the page, so it doesn't show up at all, even if it's still there in the source code. visibility: hidden: the tag is not visible (hidden) on the page, but the space is allotted.

4. Can you list out the 5 values for “position”?

ANS: Static, relative, absolute, fixed, inherit are the five possible values for “position”.

5. Explain the different types of JavaScript?

ANS: There are around 6 major JavaScript types. It includes: Null, String (include empty strings,”), Undefined, Boolean, Number (include integers and real numbers)

6. Differentiate between elements and tags in HTML?

ANS: HTML elements specify how text should be rendered, and when surrounded by angular brackets, they constitute HTML tags.

7. Which are the elements that have been disappeared?

ANS: Some aspects, such as and, have been removed. and are some of the other components that are no longer supported.

8. What are the key responsibilities as a Web designer?

ANS: Employers ask this question because they want their designers to know exactly what they're doing and how they'll contribute to the broader brand.

9. What is meant by Information Architecture?

ANS: The information architecture usually refers to the organisation and optimal viewing of navigation in your entire site on every web page.

10. Define Dreamweaver Template?

ANS: Webmasters can use Dreamweaver Templates to divide a website's development into "non-editable" and "editable" zones. In responsive web design, the Dreamweaver template allows “non-editable” parts to be modified. If you make any modifications to the Dreamweaver Template, the HTML pages that use it will also be updated.

11. Why should graphic content save in GIF instead of JPG?

ANS: Because the image contains text, it is best to preserve the material in GIF format. Because of the file compression quality of the JPG, the typefaces may become unreadable.

12. What appeals to you about web design?

ANS: Employers want to hear why you're interested in web design. They want someone that is enthusiastic about the job and has a passion for it, regardless of when or how they learned to design.

13. Can you differentiate linking an image, website or email address?

ANS: The tag is used to link an image, while the src tag is used to indicate the image source and properties. You can use the element, also known as an anchor tag, to hyperlink texts, email addresses, or to link different portions of a website. The href property stands for hypertext reference, which refers to the original source.

14. Can you tell us how many HTML tags will be used for a simple web page design?

ANS: The simplest of a web page contains 8 tags, in 4 pairs of tags.

15. Tell us how do you make a webpage on which someone can send a mail by just clicking on the text with the subject?

ANS: This can be done using a command named “mailto” in an AHREF tag.

16. When can you use CSS float in CSS?

ANS: The float property in CSS is a very frequent one. It defines where the element should be put in relation to the container, either to the left or right, causing the text and other elements to wrap around it. CSS job interview questions are rather common, so don't be alarmed and make sure to include all of the key points in your response.

17. Define Grid systems?

ANS: A grid system is a content organisation system that consists of a number of levels and vertical lines that intersect. It's a method of coordinating the setup and presentation of material that designers can use. It is always an option for web design beginners to use a pre-made framework for web design because they are reasonably straightforward to use.

18. Elaborate on what do you think could be improved with our site?

ANS: It's a hard question, but consider how you'd approach a new client. You don't have to be unenthusiastic, but you should show them that you've spent some time looking at their website or goods.

19. Can you tell me the function of CSS in web design?

ANS: Cascading Style Sheets are used to give a website's appearance and feel. They help organise the font styles, sizes, and colour groupings that are required for web pages. Because web pages recuperate data and then display it, a change in the CSS file will create a shift in the entire website.

20. As a web designer while declaring the “delete” button, what would be your choice of colour?

ANS: Use a colour like Red to make the "Delete" button stand out, especially when demonstrating two buttons side by side. Because red is a cautionary colour, it will aid the user in drawing their attention.

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